Paranoid Miniatures Proudly Shows Their Painted Abigail

January 26, 2016 by deltagamegirl22

As the calendar is counting down until the launch of their game Mythos, Paranoid Miniatures has now reached the point where they will be sharing the finished product us! Today we got a look at the final, painted Abigail miniature. She was painted up by Scott Hockley and with a few masterful brush strokes, he's breathed life and character into this pick axe wielding member of the Priory.

Mythos Abigail painted1

It's always nice to see the narrative of a game coming to life when a polished, finished miniature comes onto the table.

Mythos painted Abigail

Mythos Abigail painted2

Wearing a red skirt to catch your eye, like a matador calling a bull, her clever distraction technique may be her way of taking your mind off of the deadly pick axe on a collision course with your head!

Are you looking forward to starting up your Priory faction for Mythos?

"It's always nice to see the narrative of a game coming to life when a polished, finished miniature comes onto the table..."

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