Quirky Batman Villains & Roguish Lanterns From Knight Models

October 5, 2020 by brennon

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Knight Models continue to build and develop their collections for both The Batman Miniatures Game and the DC Universe Miniatures Game as a handful of new additions popped up in some previews recently. We start with two villains for Batman and friends to face off against.

Condiment King - Knight Models

Condiment King // Knight Models

The first of these is Condiment King who is, as the name might suggest, very into his sauces. He does exactly what you'd think too, firing condiments at his foes in the hopes of causing as much chaos as possible.

Used as comic relief within the Batman world and first appearing in The Animated Series, he is a little bit of an odd villain but as Robin once pointed out, he could harm those who are allergic to different foodstuffs. Yep, a real deadly villain. It was revealed that he was a brainwashed comedian whom Joker took control off which does add to a bit of his backstory. He did, however, meet his end when Human Flame beat him to death with his own guns...ouch.

We also have an equally odd-looking character in the form of Calendar Man.

Calendar Man - Knight Models

Calendar Man // Knight Models

Whilst the version of him here certainly fits the bill of over-the-top villains within the Batman universe I actually think I prefer the significantly more sinister take on him from the Arkham video games.

He started off as a villain who boasted about his crimes on certain dates of the year, his costume hinting to that, but in later iterations of the villain, he was turned into a more ominous and deadly serial killer. I certainly wouldn't mess with him.

More Lanterns For DC!

You can also pick up some new Green Lantern characters for the wider world of DC soon too. We lead with this rather cheerful and funny looking fella called Ch'p who was the leader of the H'lvenite resistance.

Chp - Knight Models

Ch'p // Knight Models

The Guardians Of The Galaxy have Rocket and the Green Lanterns have Ch'p! I certainly like the look of this chap a something a bit different and "out there". He will certainly be a lot of fun to paint if you're a big fan of the Lanterns.

You can also pick up the sometimes villainous and other times heroic Guy Gardner for use in your Lantern Corps too.

Guy Gardner - Knight Models

Guy Gardner // Knight Models

He is a constant member of the Lantern Corps and has also fought alongside the Justice League too. Don't let his green outfit fool you though as he has also got a slightly dangerous side to him as well that you wouldn't want to cross. Guy did, during the New 52, become the Red Lantern which should tell you a bit about his outlook on things!

Are you tempted by some new DC miniatures from Knight Models?

"He does exactly what you'd think too, firing condiments at his foes in the hopes of causing as much chaos as possible..."

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