Ragnarok Miniatures Tease Their Upcoming Hill Trolls

April 17, 2024 by brennon

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Ragnarok Miniatures has been previewing some of the new 28mm Fantasy miniatures that will be popping up as part of the collection soon. Hill Trolls have been something of a distraction but they are looking good so far!

Hill Trolls - Ragnarok Miniatures

Hill Trolls // Ragnarok Miniatures

This shows off the Hill Trolls compared to one of the Dokklfar Goblins by Ragnarok Miniatures. This makes them around eight feet tall if you're looking at them against regular humans. These are going to be armoured and there are also going to be Norse ones in the collection as well. This piece of art gives you a good idea of what else Ragnarok want to aim for when it comes to their range.

Troll Art - Ragnarok Miniatures

Troll Art // Ragnarok Miniatures

This band of Trolls for your Tolkienesque Fantasy games are going to sell like hotcakes. I am interested to see what weapons these trolls are going to be armed with. I would guess big axes, clubs and some mighty spears.

What do you make of these Ragnarok Miniatures teasers?

"This band of Trolls for your Tolkienesque Fantasy games are going to sell like hotcakes..."

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