Reaper Miniatures’ Cunning Rogue Sneaks Through The City

September 5, 2019 by brennon

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Reaper Miniatures now has another special Bones Black model available for those who snag a bunch of models from them this month. This time around we're sneaking through the shadows with Daschelle, Female Rogue.

Daschelle Female Rogue - Reaper Miniatures

This is another awesome model in their range which would make for a good player character and potentially an NPC which you run into whilst you're on your regular adventures. Imagine going through a dungeon or cave system and suddenly realising that another party is already on their way through it!

I love the idea of throwing some district into the mix between two parties that have the same aligned goal but want to beat each other to the punch. Heroes are so used to just having to deal with villains but what if they had to go up against another party who were just as powerful as them?

What do you make of Daschelle here?

"...would make for a good player character and potentially an NPC which you run into whilst you're on your regular adventures"

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