Westfalia Get Sidetracked By Awesome Looking Elves

April 12, 2018 by brennon

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Prone to delving into interesting and new projects, Westfalia has taken a step towards creating a range of wonderful looking Elves. Here are just two of the previews we've seen so far with this Elf Champion...

Elf Champion - Westfalia

This fellow looks like he could be a Wood Elf os some kind. I love the fae design of his features with plenty of angles and dangerous cheekbones which you could cut your finger on. The style overall lends itself to more native warriors than something high and mighty like the High Elves of Warhammer for example.

The swords are also looking awesome - broad blades that probably weigh no more than a feather and cut with deadly efficiency.

We also have this fellow; perhaps an Elf Ranger?

Elf Ranger - Westfalia

You could imagine him ranging the hills and woods of his people and searching out interlopers who dare to cross their border. A perfect adventuring miniature for someone to use in a role-playing game.

What do you think of their Elves?

"I love the fae design of his features with plenty of angles and dangerous cheekbones which you could cut your finger on..."

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