Snow Elves & A New Oldhammer Demon From Satyr Art Studio

November 1, 2023 by brennon

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Satyr Art Studio have some neat new Fantasy additions to their webstore! If you're looking for some more Oldhammer-style miniatures then how about the first fun of their new Snow Elves which could be used to make an excellent warband or start a regiment!

Snow Elves - Satyr Art Studio

Snow Elves // Satyr Art Studio

The set comes with five 28mm miniatures. You get a Leader, Champion, Standard Bearer, Musician and Soldier in the set meaning you could easily build the front rank of a classic Warhammer regiment. I also like that this set would be great for those looking to build a themed Oathmark force. You could use the likes of the Champion and such to help build on your regiments and give them specific boons in battle.

From The Realm Of Chaos!

As well as the Snow Elves, you could also get yourself the dastardly Oldhammer Demon III which is available as part of a limited run.

Oldhammer Demon III Limited Run - Satyr Art Studio

Oldhammer Demon III Limited Run // Satyr Art Studio

Designed by Tony Ackland, this shows off an impressive Oldhammer Demon that could be a great centrepiece for your growing army. With a distinctly birdy look, this fellow could be a good option for those followers of Tzeentch. As this has been designed as a classic miniature, you'll want to be pinning those wings and those feet into the base. Get the paper clips at the ready and start snipping.

It's great seeing more awesome Oldhammer miniatures coming out of Satyr Art Studio. It is always a pull on the wallet visiting their webstore! Will you be picking up either of these sets?

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" could also get yourself the dastardly Oldhammer Demon III"

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