Super Star Destroyers Come To FFG’s Star Wars: Armada

August 6, 2018 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games unveiled another new ship for Star Wars: Armada at Gen Con last week. Here we have the mighty Super Star Destroyer which is going to be destroying planets and decimating entire fleets.

Super Star Destroyer - Star Wars Armada

To give you a sense of the scale of one of these ships here it is compared to some of the existing ships.

Super Star Destroyer (Scale) - Star Wars Armada

The ship itself is a dangerous beast with a variety of different variants available and each of them armed to the teeth. It has six firing arcs, each of them laden with guns. As well as its own firepower the Super Star Destroyer also comes with a massive array of upgrades and more including the likes of Emperor Palpatine himself.

Super Star Destroyer (Contents) - Star Wars Armada

I cannot imagine this being a cheap addition to your fleet but you could very much see a big game being played around something like this. Massive fleet battles are going to be insane when one of these enters the fray.

What do you think of the new expansion?

"Massive fleet battles are going to be insane when one of these enters the fray..."

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