Sword & Board Games Dwarf Highguard Previewed!

October 1, 2014 by brennon

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Another quite cool story for you to delve into as the world of Twelve Elements of War from Sword & Board Game develops even more. See what you think of the Dwarf Highguard 'Survivor' Runecaster...

Dwarf Highguard Runecaster

We all love a story of heroics and this elite unit are certainly one of the coolest. It's formed of the survivors of a mighty battle who refused to give up in the face of massive enemy forces. 273 warriors were spared by the enemy for their bravery and the elite force soon became one of renown. Now it's a grueling task to join their ranks and its number will never go past 273 in honour of those that survived.

It's awesome to hear some of the background to the miniatures in their game world and the Runecaster is quite the cool piece.

What do you think?

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