Venture To Twilight’s Crooked Trade Outpost On Kickstarter

February 25, 2019 by brennon

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The World Of Twilight grows once more with The Crooked Trade Outpost on Kickstarter. Come and check out this wonderful new piece of terrain...

The Crooked Trade Outpost - Twilight

A wonderful piece of concept art has now turned into a miniature which they are hoping to offer to others for use in their games and simply as a painting project.

"We paused our travels briefly at the crooked tower of Geliad. I had initially assumed the tower was on the brink of collapse but was assured by the locals that it was all part of their local engineer's eccentric but deliberate design! It now serves as an outpost where traders rest before braving the Moerasii marshes. We were fortunate enough to see a domesticated lorsaan being loaded with baggage. It never ceases to amaze me that such behemoths wander our lands."

You can either pick up the Lorsaan Packbeast or The Outpost separately which is neat, but I think that a lot of Twilight lovers will want the entire set.

The Crooked Trade Outpost (Model) - Twilight

Make sure to check out more of the background for the terrain piece and Twilight as a whole over on their website and Kickstarter project linked above.

Are you tempted by this?

"...I think that a lot of Twilight lovers will want the entire set"

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Supported by (Turn Off)

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