Wargames Illustrated Conquer Rome With Hannibal Barca

January 19, 2021 by brennon

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Wargames Illustrated has added another character to their Giants In Miniature collection in the form of Hannibal Barca.

Hannibal #1 - Wargames Illustrated

Hannibal // Wargames Illustrated

Set against the Roman Empire as one of its greatest goes, Hannibal was a master strategist and tactician who was almost able to bring the Roman Empire to ruin. After the First Punic War, he vowed vengeance on Rome and so began the Second Punic War.

Hannibal #2 - Wargames Illustrated

Hannibal // Wargames Illustrated

This particular miniature of Hannibal is shown in all of his glory wearing a cuirass of triple golden rings. He apparently said that "no weapon could pierce" it and that certainly fits into the semi-mythical status that he had amongst his followers.

Are you going to be picking up this miniature?

"This particular miniature of Hannibal is shown in all of his glory wearing a cuirass of triple golden rings..."

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