Warlord Games Offer Up New Heads For Epic Battles Miniatures

October 16, 2023 by brennon

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Warlord Games have added some new sets to their webstore for those looking to do some kitbashing when it comes to their Epic Battles units. There are four sets for you to choose from featuring their epic scale (13.5mm) covering Waterloo and Pike & Shotte.

Nassau Flank Companies Heads - Black Powder Epic Battles

Nassau Flank Companies Heads // Black Powder - Epic Battles

The heads are available in sets rather vary in number from five to twenty. For example, the Nassau Flank Companies Heads set comes with twenty for you to choose from made in their Warlord Resin.

There are some nice sets for you to choose from which cover both infantry and cavalry. For example, the Dutch Carabiners and British Bicorne heads here...

Dutch Carabiner Heads - Black Powder Epic Battles

Dutch Carabiner Heads // Black Powder - Epic Battles

They also seem to be well-detailed and you can make out their facial features quite well in the examples we're seeing here. This is a good way for Warlord Games to build on the number of units that they offer without having to make specific sets.

British Bicorne Heads - Black Powder Epic Battles

British Bicorne Heads // Black Powder - Epic Battles

There are three sets for you to choose from which come with specific heads for units that you'd see fighting during the Napoleonic period. The fourth set offers up a set of five Bare Heads which could be used across the Napoleonic and English Civil War ranges that Warlord Games make. They'd also be a pretty good fit for the American Civil War as well I would guess.

Bare Heads - Black Powder Epic Battles

Bare Heads // Black Powder - Epic Battles

All four of these sets are available for you to scoop up right now so make sure to go and take a closer look if you're tempted to customise your forces in your Epic Battles games. Are there any specific heads that you'd like to see Warlord make for their smaller-scale range?

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"Are there any specific heads that you'd like to see Warlord make for their smaller-scale range?"

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