Mount Up In A Wild West Wagon With Great Escape Games

May 19, 2023 by brennon

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Great Escape Games have been doing great stuff with their plastic kits of late for Dead Man's Hand. Keeping up with that, they recently previewed a new 28mm Wild West Wagon that would be great for those seeking to dive into some scenario-based play!

Plastic Wagon - Great Escape Games

Plastic Wagon // Great Escape Games

This new plastic Wagon is going to be released in July but if you're interested in getting a look at it earlier, you are going to be able to see a preview at Partizan this weekend. You should be able to build the Wagon in a few different ways including with a full cover on the back.

Plastic Wagon With Cover - Great Escape Games

Plastic Wagon With Cover // Great Escape Games

I like that you also get a pair of pioneers, heading out with all of their worldly possessions in the back, seeking a better life out West. This makes it a great piece to pick up and throw into some scenarios where they are getting robbed by bandits! Even if you don't use the Wagon as a gaming piece, it would also be great to use it as terrain in your games as well.

Will you be picking up the new Wagon kit and dropping it into Dead Man's Hand?

"Even if you don't use the Wagon as a gaming piece, it would also be great to use it as terrain in your games as well..."

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