Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Previewed At Essen Spiel [Minor Spoilers]

October 15, 2016 by brennon

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Z-Man's Pandemic Legacy Season 2 has appeared at Essen Spiel as the box cover and a few tidbits were shared about the game. See what you think...

Pandemic Legacy Season 2

From what we've seen online the game will follow on from the first in some regard and tell a new story in a different way. We're already seeing a lot of artwork there showing off player portraits for various characters.

Board Game Geek user Ubergeek also got a shot of what is reportedly the board for the game.

Season 2 Board

It appears to show a more exploratory angle to the game where you're going to be revealing parts of the board. Of course, this is still very early in development so it might look nothing like this!

Either way, we might see a fusion of some of the mechanics from Pandemic Legacy being included alongside those in Seafall.

What do you think?

"...we might see a fusion of some of the mechanics from Pandemic Legacy being included alongside those in Seafall"

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