Snap Up Battlegroup Westfall From Plastic Soldier Company

November 7, 2022 by brennon

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Plastic Soldier Company has now released the next of their big Battlegroup supplements. Westwall is now available, allowing you to dive into some clashes in 1944 during World War II.

Westwall - Battlegroup

Westwall // Battlegroup

This latest supplement is focused on the race across France after Normandy before the German counter-attack. Here's a look at the contents page showing off what you'll be getting stuck into with this new book.

Westwall Contents - Battlegroup

Westwall Contents // Battlegroup

There are a bunch of new scenarios for you to play out around Operation Clipper plus the new army list options for the German Panzer Brigade. You also have lots of background on the time period around the Westfall Defences and the changes to the army lists for the US and Germans.

Westwall Scenario - Battlegroup

Westwall Scenario // Battlegroup

The folks at Plastic Solder Company have noted that this can be used with Battlegroup: Overlord and the Beyond The Beaches army lists. A mini-campaign is also a lot of fun to dive into, especially if you like playing Battlegroup with your group of friends quite a lot. You could have some fun getting together the armies and terrain for some awesome games over a weekend.

Are you tempted to snap up Westwall?

"There are a bunch of new scenarios for you to play out around Operation Clipper..."

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