Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee
Trial For Revival - April 16th & 17th @ FactoruM
So. Crow Industries have unveiled the rules pack for their next Battletech event at FactoruM. Taking place of the the weekend of the 16th & 17th of April, we are departing the Inner Sphere for Clan Space circa 3048 as Clan Smoke Jaguar lead the call for “Operation Revival” and the Clans gather to determine who will take part in bringing enlightenment to the Great Houses and conquer Terra….
Which all sounds rather exciting to be honest. I’m sticking with my choice of Clan in Goliath Scorpion, and will stick with the 5 ‘mechs I had already decided on (and being an eager beaver have confirmed that with John at Crow Industries). In terms of paint job, well I quite like the colours of the Scorpions Omega Galaxy, a sandy yellow/gold primary with deep, muddy reds for secondary colour. Now admittedly the Omega are a creation of the Scorpions after they had been chased from Clan Space in the late 31st century and conquered several Periphery nations to form the Escorpión Imperio, but a) it’s a killer colour scheme and b) it lets me continue my scheme to have forces built for multiple factions for use across multiple eras…..
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