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Collins builds the world of the walking dead

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Tractors and cockups

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Tractors and cockups
Tractors and cockups

the tractor I wanted to get done quickly and decided to try and use the airbrush. im not very familiar with this tool so practising on scenery is a good way to try it out and not worry too much about the results.

primed in rattle can gun metal silver then airbrushed on contrast red heavily to where I felt there would be trim or red paint (to make it faster, obviously, wargghh!) then I dulled down the metal areas left over with the grey and finally slapped black on the tyres.

its not an accurate way of doing a tractor but is is quick so it’lll do.

The cockup is that I forgot to wash the dog house before priming it so as soon as I started painting it I found myself rubbing the primer off…. annoying as its now got to go into the dettol and be started again after a scrubbing. c’est le vie

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