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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Big heads means I can actually see them

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Moving on from Star Wars to Star Trek…

I hadn’t planned on getting into Star Trek: Away Missions. The goofy looking miniatures were a bit of a turn-off, and I never really thought Star Trek was a good fit for a skirmish game, since it usually tries to be about non-violent solutions and doesn’t actually feature combat very often. But, the OTT Let’s Play made the game look interesting, with an emphasis on mission solving over head to head combat, and I am a big Star Trek fan, so…

Big heads means I can actually see them
Big heads means I can actually see them

I originally wanted to do these in a more flat, action figure style, rather than falling back on the usual base coat-wash-drybrush. After a few false starts with the Borg I ended up doing a drybrush with metallic black, painting in the pasty faces with a mid grey and drybrushing a lighter grey, then filling in a few details in silver and washing over that.

Big heads means I can actually see them
Big heads means I can actually see them

The Romulans were more interesting but also a bit more difficult. On the TV show there are actually several different styles of Romulan uniforms, but that doesn’t really come through in the sculpts. I tried copying some of the different quilt patterns on their jackets, but I don’t think it’s very noticeable. Luckily the character names are on the bases so you can tell them apart during play.

Big heads means I can actually see them

I managed to get my hands on the Q promotional figure, and he was by far the most fun to paint so far. I do have to admit that the cartoony style of the figures is growing on me — I’m actually painting eyes for the first time in years. Next up is the Next Generation crew, which should be fun to do since there is a lot more variation between the characters.

2024 models painted so far: 20

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