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Walking Dead: All Out War – The Long Walk Home

Walking Dead: All Out War – The Long Walk Home

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Project Blog by jelosloth7

Recommendations: 229

About the Project

This was to document my progress on my Walking Dead Miniatures and associated terrain. If I restart it, it will be on my Wordpress blog here:

This Project is Completed

Rest of Wave 6

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Here’s a group shot of the wave 6 minis and shots of the zombies and heads on pikes objectives that come with King Ezekiel. Pretty fun to paint. I’m excited to redo the rest of my collection, but it’s also kind of daunting.

On a related note, apparently the terrain kickstarter from Mantic, which I went full into, is about to ship. Thus, I should be sitting on a mountain of modern terrain for this game that I’m going to need to paint here shortly. Thus, I’m going to fall even farther behind on all my projects. Sigh. First world problems.

Wave 6 Complete

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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After what felt like forever, I finally finished the survivors from Wave 6. I love the extreme highlighting, but it definitely takes some getting used to as far as the actual painting goes. I’m particularly happy with how the jeans turned out and I feel like these models “pop” compared to all my other models.

Only real downside is now I feel compelled to redo my entire collection to have this extreme highlighting as it just looks so much better than my other paint jobs.

For now I’m moving on to my Marvel: Crisis Protocol project, but after I make some progress on that I’m going to circle back around to finish my bikers.

Biker Gang - Contrast Step Complete

Tutoring 2
Skill 7
Idea 5
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Biker Gang built from Genestealer Cult Bikers with some Dark Eldar heads. Contrast step is completed. Next up, highlights.Biker Gang built from Genestealer Cult Bikers with some Dark Eldar heads. Contrast step is completed. Next up, highlights.

Wave 6 - Contrast Steps Complete

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Wave 6 minis came in this week. Got everything built and bases magnetized. I use contrast paints for base coating and washing. That step is completed. Next up, on to highlighting. Super excited to get these on the table.Wave 6 minis came in this week. Got everything built and bases magnetized. I use contrast paints for base coating and washing. That step is completed. Next up, on to highlighting. Super excited to get these on the table.

The Ugly

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Finally got some pics taken of all my zom… erhm, walkers. I was particularly happy with how the skin came out. I used a light bluish gray for as a basecoat and then used a seraphon sepia wash. It really brings out that unhealthy, grayish, brownish rot look.

Campsite, Dale's RV and more barricades

Tutoring 4
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Finished up the campsite, Dale’s RV and some more barricades. The Campsite terrain is plastic from Mantic Games. Dale’s RV is an mdf kit from Mantic Games and the barricades are mdf kits from TT Combat (I think). Pretty happy with how everything turned out. I might come back later and add highlights to the Campsite terrain and add some weathering/blood effects to Dale’s RV. Next up I’m going to get some pics taken of the buildings I have finished (also MDF kits) and get them posted up.

Close up on the scatter terrain

Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 8
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Here’s a close up of the cars/trucks and barricades I’ve gotten painted up. These are all plastic kits that Mantic makes specifically for All Out War. Fairly happy with how everything turned out. If I could do them over again I think I’d change the weathering and windows on the vehicles. Otherwise I’m pretty happy with it.

Got a Game In - Showcasing some terrain.

Tutoring 3
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Got a game in. Took some pics. The gaming mat is from Mantic Games. The cars and barricades are terrain sets from Mantic Games and the building are MDF kits from TT Combat. I have several more MDF kits I’m in the middle of painting as well as a bunch more scatter terrain I’ve recently finished painting. Should get some pics taken and posted up this weekend.

The Custom and Neutral

Tutoring 4
Skill 12
Idea 11

Here are the Neutral characters and some customer miniatures the wife and I made for ourselves and for John Wick.

The Bad

Tutoring 3
Skill 11
Idea 9
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Here are the bad survivors I currently have painted up for TWD: AOW

The Good (part 2)

Tutoring 3
Skill 11
Idea 9
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Here’s part 2 of the good survivors I currently have painted up for TWD: AOW

The Good (part 1)

Tutoring 3
Skill 11
Idea 9
1 Comment

Here’s part 1 of the good survivors I currently have painted up for TWD: AOW

The basing is just a layer of Citadel Astrogranite to make them look like they are walking on pavement/sidewalk. This is to match the neoprene mats that we play on.

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