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6mm scifi

6mm scifi

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Project Blog by torros Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 423

About the Project

Quick little project of some 6mm Vanguard miniatures desert raiders

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The figures

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 13
No Comments

These Vanguard miniatures are lovely sculpts with lots of nice simple detail.

The figures

First step like everything I paint was a Halfords grey spray followed by a Vallejo black shade wash to bring out the detail.  The wash is a little dark sadly on these but shouldn’t really be a problem

The figures

So on to painting

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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So as with all 6mm I’ve kept the colours as simple as possible and  wash


For these I’ve used the following

Tunic: Vallejo German Yellow

Trousers : A citadel green. Might be snot green but don’t quote me

Boots and packs: Vallejo German Camo Brown

Weapons :Vallejo Brown Sand

Flesh:  Humbrol Matt Acrylic 5061

Bare metal: might be a citadel one or an Instar one. Can’t honestly remember but there basically all the same

Head Coverings :Vallejo Deck Tan

Wash: Army Painter soft tone

Any red bits: Instar Red


Some of the tunics have been done in Vallejo buff as I experimented

Now I’m just waiting for bases from Vanguard to arrive and some basing texture to come from Vallejo

While we wait heres some dodgy photos

So on to painting
So on to painting

Battle Report

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
1 Comment
Battle Report

Bases arrived and basing action shot

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 11
No Comments

Bases arrived. I’ve always liked this style of base and their definitely  not round. I took this photo whilst in the middle of basing…Its a basing action shot and not another piece of shoddy photography at all

Bases arrived and basing action shot

And we're almost done

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 12
No Comments

So all the infantry is based. Just 3 support weapons to do . Quick photo. I’ll take better (I’m kidding myself ) later

And we're almost done
And we're almost done

Bit more

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Bit more
Bit more

And that's your lot

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 11
No Comments

Final 2 stands of heavy/support weapons

I’ve enjoyed painting these figures from Vanguard miniatures.  Nice detail on the models.

I’ve nothing really rules wise at the moment  and more importantly opponents to use these with but it was nice getting back to painting 6mm again

And that's your lot

Some Onslaught miniatures rebased

Tutoring 7
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Some Onslaught miniatures rebased

New toys arrived

Tutoring 7
Skill 12
Idea 12
No Comments

To quote the official GW selling manual (or at least I heard GW staff say it)  More Teeny Tiny fighting men have arrived !!!



New toys arrived

At the moment I have no idea what colour to paint them so I had a quick peek at some GW painting sites for inspiration.

So after having a good  look  round the internet (I looked at so many sites  I had to buy a whole new barrel of freshly mined internet for the job)  it seemed  to me that  as soon as the grimdark started all the heads of the legions made a beeline for their nearest Laura Ashley store to bulk buy  chalk based pastel coloured paint for  their armour and in the end  none of them really inspired me


At the moment Im not 100 % sure what colour I want really  . All I do know is that the guns have to be red. I shall ponder these questions while I remove flash and mould lines and post more out of focus  action shots later

Decisions Decisions

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12
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So thinking of paint schemes I came up with these two. I’m leaning towards the yellow and green although the sepia wash from GW is too think. Need to get another W&N peat brown ink which is my usual go to

Saying that I am tempted to give contrast/speed paint a go for the first time

Decisions Decisions

Decision made

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11

So a lot happier now . Still using Vajello 70.806 German Yellow but have gone back to my tried and favourite wash using Winsor and  Newton drawing ink. This time  I used nut brown rather than peat brown as I wanted something quite dark between the armour plates

So onwards and upwards to get the rest done and then a decision on what to do with the command figures.



Decision made

There Dwarven Badgers and that's the honest truth Guv

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Few more started. Already wondering what to buy next

Probably 10mm fantasy

There Dwarven Badgers and that's the honest truth Guv

There not Badgers! No one was more surprised than me

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

Some more done. Happy with the ink/water ratio now. Not that I can remember what it was though

There not Badgers! No one was more surprised than me

And a leader type.  Decided to reverse the colours but I think the green is too dark

There not Badgers! No one was more surprised than me

That's the lot. Everyone back to their own beds please

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9

Everything is done . Still haven’t decided what to do as far as command stands go but very pleased how they turned out

That's the lot. Everyone back to their own beds please

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