Free League Choose A Date For Their Walking Dead RPG Kickstarter

February 24, 2023 by brennon

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The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game is coming to the tabletop via Kickstarter soon. Free League Publishing has chosen a date to launch the fundraiser as March 14th becomes the date when you can step into this world of walkers.

The Walking Dead Universe RPG - Free League Publishing

The Walking Dead Universe RPG // Free League Publishing

The Kickstarter in March is going to be a great way for you to get your hands on the game before the retail release in the Autumn of 2023. You'll be able to dive into an early PDF version of the Core Rulebook by getting involved with this new project.

The game is going to use the Year Zero system behind a lot of Free League's other roleplaying games and has been tailored to suit the post-apocalyptic sandbox that is The Walking Dead. You will need to learn how to survive and deal with the threat from walkers as well as other survivors out there in the world.

Artwork - The Walking Dead RPG

Artwork // The Walking Dead RPG

It's always interesting seeing how Free League have tweaked the Year Zero system to match their new worlds. They did a fascinating job with Twilight: 2000 and I could see this being another interesting twist on some familiar mechanics. You've got to think that they will make it quite accessible as well for those maybe giving roleplaying a game simply because they love The Walking Dead.

Could you be tempted to check out this new Kickstarter?

"It's always interesting seeing how Free League have tweaked the Year Zero system to match their new worlds..."

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