Free League Announce The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying For 5E

August 9, 2022 by brennon

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Free League Publishing worked alongside Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi to bring The One Ring Roleplaying game to life and now they are looking to The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying and a set of 5th Edition rules!

The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying - Free League Publishing

The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying // Free League Publishing

The first of the books they are releasing is the core supplement for The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying. This contains all of the rules that take the 5th Edition D&D rules and place them within the realm of Middle-earth.

That means six original Heroic Cultures from Eriador as well as six new Classes. You'll also find a host of terrifying Adversaries, rules for Journeys, Councils, Wondrous Artefacts and also rules for the subtle Magic of Middle-earth.

That also means stunning new artwork which looks absolutely amazing. Gandalf is a fantastic character and it seems appropriate to have him on the front cover.

Shire Adventures Supplement

The second of the books for The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying is Shire Adventures.

The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying - Shire Adventures - Free League Publishing

The Lord Of The Rings Roleplaying - Shire Adventures // Free League Publishing

The core compendium shown above will be available for pre-order this Autumn with a retail release coming in early 2023. Additionally, there will also be this scenario module for Shire Adventures. As you might have guessed, this offers up plenty of 5th Edition adventures set in and around The Shire.

It should also be noted that PDFs are going to be made available when you pre-order these new books so you'll be able to dive into some 5th Edition Eriador adventures this year, albeit digitally.

Are you tempted to dive in and snap up these rules for 5th Edition The Lord Of The Rings?

"The core compendium shown above will be available for pre-order this Autumn with a retail release coming in early 2023..."

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