It’s Ranger Month! Octoplant Heads To Power Rangers RPG!

February 10, 2022 by fcostin

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It is the first week of Ranger Week over at Renegade Game Studios... technically the second as they released a sneaky peak before February came in introducing The Eye Guy into Power Rangers The Roleplaying Game. This week, Power Rangers RPG are seeing The Octoplant and her narcissistic natural abilities head into the fray.

Octoplant - Power Rangers Role Playing Game

Octoplant // Power Rangers Role Playing Game

Equipped with a thick skin of plant armour, The Octoplant will release seedlings as their first line of defence. Growing at an alarming rate, these rooted enemies can cause quite the entanglement for anybody who gets brave enough to battle with their vines.

Once the seedlings are out the way, players will get the full wrath of the Octoplant. Being born from the earth, this narcissistic being is ready to execute the evil in which she had been bred. She has the ability to grow and take a nasty swift strike at an opponent with her Vine attack, and a furious brute force behind her.

For all of the details on Octoplant and her full scope of abilities, be sure to check out the announcement here.

Every week this month, Renegade Game Studio will be dropping a new enemy every week to add to your Power Rangers RPG campaign. With The Eye Guy and The Octoplant ready to fight, I wonder who is next to step up for some classic mighty morphin' trouble.

Who would you like to see added as a villain for the Power Rangers RPG? 

"Once the seedlings are out the way, players will get the full wrath of the Octoplant..."

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