More Details Appear On Halo Fleet Battles From Spartan Games

June 16, 2015 by brennon

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Spartan Games have shown off what's going to be inside the Halo: Fleet Battles - The Fall of Reach which is a lot. We really didn't think there were going to be so many ships involved but this is sounding more awesome by the minute...

Starter Set

The set helps you play out The Fall of Reach which was a huge turning point in the war between the Humans and the Covenant. It led to the Master Chief finding the Halo rings as he escaped aboard the Pillar of Autumn and was a deadly engagement between both UNSC forces and the Covenant Armada...

Halo Fleet Battles - The Fall of Reach

The set contains...

  • A full colour 100+ page rulebook packed full of images and examples
  • Fall of Reach campaign guide
  • 49 highly-detailed plastic ship models
  • 25 custom Halo Dice
  • Fleet Commander Data Sheets
  • Flight Stands and Overlay Cards
  • Punch-out Scenery and Token sheets
  • Quick Guide reference sheets

Plus, in a breakdown of the actual forces on each side we have...

UNSC (32 models)

  • 1 Epoch-class Heavy Carrier
  • 4 Marathon-class Heavy Cruisers
  • 27 Paris-class Frigates

Covenant (17 models)

  • 1 ORS Class Heavy Cruiser
  • 2 CCS Class Battlecruisers
  • 14 SDV Heavy Corvettes

So, you have plenty of ships to be fighting with. From what we've heard of reports at conventions and the like the game plays very nicely indeed. Spartan have always had a good handle on rules writing so that's a big plus and the models are looking very good too.

It's going to be fun seeing where this Halo journey takes them and if you want to find out more about the transition from digital to physical tabletop gaming then they published an article about that HERE.

Who will you play as?

"Spartan have always had a good handle on rules writing so that's a big plus and the models are looking very good too..."

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