Snag Boarding Party Terrain Set From Art Of War Studios

January 13, 2023 by brennon

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Art Of War Studios has now released a new set for those excited about trying out Boarding Actions in Warhammer 40,000. The new Boarding Party Terrain Set comes in two sizes essentially but offers up a bunch of modular terrain for setting up your small skirmishes inside grimdark locations.

Boarding Party Terrain Set - Art Of War Studios

Boarding Party Terrain Set // Art Of War Studios

The set has been designed to match the dimensions and scale of both Arks Of Omen and Boarding Actions as well as the Gallowdark set for Kill Team. That means you could set these up on the official boards or on an alternative surface (bring forth the wipe-clean boards!) and they should work out nicely.

Boarding Party Terrain Set #1 - Art Of War Studios

Boarding Party Terrain Set // Art Of War Studios

The two sets that you can choose from break down as so. If you want the Arks Of Omen set (the larger one), you get...

  • 56x columns, each with 4x separate wall connection points
  • 24x walls with working doors
  • 24x solid walls
  • 10x obstacles (these are not included in similar plastic sets.

If you would prefer to get one of the Kill Team-styled sets for Gallowdark then you get...

  • 28x columns, each with 4x separate wall connection points
  • 12x walls with working doors
  • 12x solid walls
  • 5x obstacles

You get all the funky doors and interesting designs that you'd expect without having to spend a fortune on plastic terrain. As nice as it is, this MDF set seems like a budget-friendly way to go.

Boarding Party Terrain Set #2 - Art Of War Studios

Boarding Party Terrain Set // Art Of War Studios

You can see how it all comes in the image below, showing off all the big pieces of wood that you'll have to get priming and ready for the tabletop. Thankfully, terrain like this should be painted quickly and without much attention to detail. You are going to be breaking this apart, smashing bits together and generally handling this more than normal. So, do what you need to get this on the tabletop and don't worry too much!

Boarding Party Terrain Set Components - Art Of War Studios

Boarding Party Terrain Set Components // Art Of War Studios

You've got a lot of it to paint and drybrushing and airbrush work is going to be your friend. This could be a fun alternative to the plastic terrain made available by Games Workshop.

I will be interested to see what gaming mats companies create to make it a little more budget-friendly to dive into Boarding Actions.

Could you be tempted?

"You've got a lot of it to paint and drybrushing and airbrush work is going to be your friend..."

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