Community Spotlight: Galactic Conflict, Pirates & Low Budget Space Hulk

November 2, 2018 by lancorz

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With Halloween just passed it's time to check into what amazing projects you've been working on this week.

Join us for a quick delve into the Forums and Projects here OnTableTop to hand pick the finest fruits of labour from the week past.

... make sure to always let us know what you've been up to and share it across the site.

Adventures In The Age Of Piracy by guillotine

First off we're sailing into the cruel seas with guillotine's fantastic project for Blood & Plunder: No Peace Beyond The Line.

As guillotine mentions that the Milicianos are sculpted to be very painter friendly although the level of detail that he's produced for the models leaves us a little awestruck and jealous to say the least.

The fine details among the clothing lines using subtle colours to liven the guys up is a beautiful touch and the level of detail into the floorboard bases makes my wooden floor at home look shoddy.

Space Hulk Low Budget Board by inmate1983

Just like inmate1983 mentions in his project, with lack of skills and maximum effort, it will get you anywhere. We think that there's definitely a huge amount of effort into this project however don't be too harsh on your skills either. This project is truly taking the low budget effort to fruition.

Using basic plasticard, plastic straws and what seems to be an entire buffet's worth of cocktail sticks the project has entered a new level of DIY. Maybe we could get John to have a stab at this and save us some money!

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away by fourtytwo

Getting Dé Ja Vu? perhaps so, we've spotted fourtytwo's amazing efforts once before earlier in the year however a lot has changed and progressed since then.

The level of detail and how clean the miniatures look in fourtytwo's images really imply that these paints have been done in great care and patience. Having the motivation to collect and mass paint this amount of miniatures is a true dedication to the art and we emplore that.

Not being afraid to re-visit earlier paint jobs fourtwo has attempted an almost replicate of the digital model. What a fantastic contrast to the clean suited miniatures to the stark and gritty realism of the Ghost ship for X-Wing.

So What Are YOU Working on?

Every week we're awestruck with inspiration and gratitude that the community involves us and each other in their hobbies, showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even the greatest gaming achievement of your week is what we look forward to!

We don't mind if you're a newbie, or a veteran of the hobby, everything you do inspires us and we'll be along to throw out the occassional Golden Button award every now and then.

What's your favourite spot of this week?

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