Kill Team: Octarius Box Set Pre-Orders Go Live This Weekend

August 9, 2021 by brennon

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Games Workshop is keeping the big boxes coming this month with pre-orders going live for the new Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team set this weekend. Kill Team: Octarius will plunge you into their completely updated mechanics with either the Veteran Guardsmen of the Death Korps Of Krieg or Ork Kommandos.

Kill Team Octarius - Warhammer 40K NEW

Kill Team: Octarius // Warhammer 40,000

Shop Warhammer 40,000 & Kill Team @ Store.OnTableTop

The set above comes with all of the things you need to get started in Kill Team. You have the aforementioned Kill Teams for the Veteran Guardsmen and Ork Kommandos, specialists in their own right, plus all of that awesome looking Orky terrain.

Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team - Warhammer 40K

Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

As well as the terrain and the miniatures you'll also get the books you need to going plotting out your missions, accessories and more. One would imagine that this is going to be a rather popular set, if only for the brand new miniatures, so if you want to get your hands on one then I offer up my prayers and best wishes. Bow before the refresh button and lord of queues.

Ork Kommandos Kill Team - Warhammer 40K

Ork Kommandos Kill Team // Warhammer 40,000

Have no fear though because if you want to get your hands on these miniatures they will be available later on down the line. You might not get them right away but there will be a neat way to plug that gap in your collection.

Kill Team Accessories & Books

If you don't get your hands on the Octarius box then Games Workshop is also putting pretty much all of the peripheral stuff up for pre-order too. For example, you can get the Core Book & Compendium this weekend.

Kill Team Core Book & Compendium - Warhammer 40K NEW

Kill Team Core Book & Compendium // Warhammer 40,000

The Core Book gives you all of the rules for getting into your games and will feature ways to approach Kill Team from an Open, Narrative or Matched play perspective. The Compendium is where it's at though as this contains all of the information you need to make your own Kill Team. Every fireteam and operative is covered within its pages.

You can also pick up the Tac Ops Cards separately from the Octarius box too.

Kill Team Tac Ops Cards - Warhammer 40K NEW

Kill Team Tac Ops Cards // Warhammer 40,000

These give you the missions that you need to undertake during your games. There are enough cards for each player in this set. Simply draw your objectives and plot out how you're going to make them happen.

Finally, the Kill Team Killzone Essentials set is also available separate from the main box.

Kill Team Killzone Essentials - Warhammer 40K NEW

Kill Team Killzone Essentials // Warhammer 40,000

Tokens, measuring devices and a few pieces of cover are included in this set. I wonder if they laid out those components in that way for a reason. Anyway, It's neat that pretty much everything from the launch set is going to be available on its own. It means that if you already have loads of miniatures and terrain then you're good to go.

Moving away from the bits and bobs we also have some Dice Sets. These are going to go like hot cakes so make sure that you plop them into your shopping basket.

Kill Team Dice Packs - Warhammer 40K NEW

Kill Team Dice Packs // Warhammer 40,000

There are dice for the Adeptus Astartes, Chaotica, Ork Kommandos and Death Korps Of Krieg. It would be neat to see them expand this out and do more sets in this black and orange design for the other factions of Warhammer 40,000 too.

Are you going to be picking up the new Kill Team set? Are you liking the look of the new rules?

"Are you going to be picking up the new Kill Team set? Are you liking the look of the new rules?"

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