Epic Battles: Waterloo Commanders Coming This Weekend

May 19, 2022 by brennon

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Warlord Games is going to be firing up pre-orders for a bunch of new Epic Battles: Waterloo miniatures this weekend. Three packs of Commanders and notable figures are going to be available for you to pick up for the French, British and Prussians.

French Commanders - Black Powder Epic Battles

French Commanders // Black Powder: Epic Battles

Obviously, you have Napoleon Bonaparte at the centre of this set of releases. You also have Ney, Kellerman and d'Erlon. There is a generic Cuirassier General that you can drop into your games if you want to move away from the specific historical events of Waterloo.

Going up against the French, we also have the British.

British & Allied Commanders - Black Powder Epic Battles

British & Allied Commanders // Black Powder: Epic Battles

When it comes to the British, you have Wellington at the centre of this set alongside Picton, Uxbridge, Prince William Of Orange and a generic British Cavalry Commander. Again, it's a solid set for those looking to add some iconic personalities to your games. If only they'd make a Sharpe...

Lastly, we have the Prussian Commanders set.

Prussian Characters - Black Powder Epic Battles

Prussian Commanders // Black Powder: Epic Battles

This gives you the main man, Blucher, as well as Gneisenau, von Bulow, von Zietan and Pirch I. These are probably somewhat less well-known compared to the British and French Commanders but give you a great chance to dive in and try and learn something more about the Prussian part of the conflict.

Black Powder: Epic Battles Casualties

In addition to the Commander packs, there are also three packs of Casualty Markers for the French, British and Prussians.

French Casualty Markers - Black Powder Epic Battles

French Casualty Markers // Black Powder: Epic Battles

British Casualty Markers - Black Powder Epic Battles

British Casualty Markers // Black Powder: Epic Battles

Prussian Casualty Markers - Black Powder Epic Battles

Prussian Casualty Markers // Black Powder: Epic Battles

Each of the sets of markers allows you to mark the casualties that your units have taken in an immersive way, keeping to the aesthetic of the battle that's in full flow. You even have embossed numbers on each marker so you can mark when things get a little bloodier.

Are you going to be snapping these up for Epic Battles: Waterloo?

"When it comes to the British, you have Wellington at the centre of this set..."

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