Bolter Your Winter Korps Infantry For Privateer’s Warmachine

May 21, 2024 by brennon

Privateer Press are adding to Khador forces in the new edition of Warmachine. Rather than big clanking Warjacks, you now have the option to throw some 35mm infantry into the mix for the Winter Korps.

Winter Korps Infantry A - Warmachine

Winter Korps Infantry A // Warmachine

The Winter Korps Infantry have both an A and a B pack armed with rifles and a couple of heavy-duty weapons for dealing with infantry and heavy armour. These were originally available in the Khador boxed set for the new edition but you can now get them separately.

Winter Korps Infantry B - Warmachine

Winter Korps Infantry B // Warmachine

There are some great individual sculpts in the collection in some great poses. They all look like they are properly getting stuck into the fighting, aiming, rushing for cover, hunkering down or preparing to throw grenades. It makes for a dynamic set of miniatures that will look great in the skirmishes of Warmachine.

Cygnar's Weather Forecast

As well as the Winter Korps Infantry, you can also get your hands on some more sets for Cygnar. You'll have seen the Weather Station and such before but they are now available for you to pick up if you want to brew up a storm on the battlefield.

Weather Station - Warmachine

Weather Station // Warmachine

Storm Vanes - Warmachine

Storm Vanes // Warmachine

Storm Callers - Warmachine

Storm Callers // Warmachine

All three of these kits can be snapped up right now allowing you to bring the thunder, frying your opponents with the power of the storm. Very Cygnar indeed.

Are you tempted to scoop up these troops for Warmachine?

"It makes for a dynamic set of miniatures that will look great in the skirmishes of Warmachine..."

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