Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory… Part 2

December 25, 2012 by elromanozo

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Video Sponsors: Kings of War - Battle Foam

Romain finishes work on the horse for his Samurai Cavalry kit from Wargames Factory, this time deepening the shading and bring up the highlights, then m9oving to paint up the main tail and finishing off the leather and cloth details.

Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory... Part 2

Check Out The Other Parts Here:

Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory... Part 1

Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory... Part 2

Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory... Part 3

Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory... Part 4

Painting Samurai Cavalry from Wargames Factory... Part 5

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