CMON Launch New Marvel United: X-Men Kickstarter

April 15, 2021 by brennon

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The original Marvel United blasted onto Kickstarter and seemed to find its place as a good gateway game for those looking to introduce people to the hobby. It also delved deep into the awesomeness that is the Marvel world and CMON managed to excite many a fan with the array of heroes and villains they included.

Marvel United X-Men - CMON

Marvel United: X-Men // CMON

One element that was missing of course was the inclusion of the X-Men. The new Kickstarter looks to solve that by adding in many, many favourites for people to play as. As well as being able to build on the mechanics of the first set (and its myriad of expansions), the X-Men version of the game also comes with a few tweaks here and there to suit the X-Men comics.

Mutant Pledge - CMON

Mutant Pledge // CMON

The core gameplay loop remains but you can also now play Marvel United: X-Men with the new Super Villain Mode. In these games, one player takes on the role of the mastermind whilst four others team up to stop them.

Super Villains get to draw on new cards which can mess with gameplay. There is plenty you can do to save your comrades from harm thanks to special cards included within each deck. Purple characters in the set can also be used as Anti-Heroes meaning that they either work as Villains or Heroes depending on what kind of game you want to play.

The final addition is the Mutant Heroes cards which introduce loads of special effects into your games. Some of these effects even trigger from the very beginning of the game. Essentially, it seems like Marvel United: X-Men does a great job of iterating whilst also keeping the core of what made the game fun in the first place.

Kickstarter Exclusive Expansion

There is a big Kickstarter Exclusive expansion for this campaign, The Horsemen Of Apocalypse.

The Horsemen Of The Apocalypse - CMON

The Horsemen Of The Apocalypse // CMON

As you might have guessed, this set comes with the mighty Apocalypse who can more than handle the might of the X-Men and Brotherhood Of Mutants combined. But, you also get each of the Horsemen too who are going to provide you with some unique challenges when it comes to gameplay.

Stretch Goals & Add-Ons

There are also loads and loads of Stretch Goals for you to check out as well, far too numerous for me to showcase here. Much like with their previous campaign, they have picked out some fan favourites alongside some quirky choices from the X-Men comics.

If you missed out on the first campaign for Marvel United then you can also pick up the base game again AND all of the optional extras from that campaign. So, you can head to Asgard, enter the Spiderverse or fight alongside the might of Wakanda.

Are you tempted by this new X-Men variant of Marvel United?

"Are you tempted by this new X-Men variant of Marvel United?"

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