Fancy Up Your Wooden Game Tokens With The Tinker Bits Kickstarter

July 27, 2016 by deltagamegirl22

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There's just something to be said about gamepiece/token upgrades in your boardgames and there's a Kickstarter right now to help you do just that.

Tinker bits

The Tinker Bits: Steampunk Metal Meeples Kickstarter from Tesh of Project Khopesh, has the wonderful varied finish, steampunk Meeple tokens for your games.

tinker bits 2

There are eight different colors and finishes to fit nicely into whatever game you're playing, plus the added character of the etching and shape to fancy things up a bit.

What games would you use these cute little Tinker Bits for?

"There are eight different colors and finishes to fit nicely into whatever game you're playing..."

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