The Farshore Calls In A New Standalone Everdell Board Game

July 10, 2023 by brennon

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Starling Games have been previewing a new standalone game in the Everdell series. This time, we're setting sail with Everdell: Farshore where the rugged coast calls you to a new adventure.

Everdell Farshore - Starling Games

Everdell: Farshore // Starling Games

Some more of the background to this new (and exceedingly cute!) game...

"The rugged coast north of Everdell Valley is a land brimming with adventure and mystery. Stalwart sailors search for bountiful islands and valuable treasures. Dutiful monks inhabit abbeys and scriptoriums, meticulously translating and illuminating. Hard-working folk gather resources and build their cities in unison with the ever-changing waves of the mighty ocean."

You find yourself in the country of Farshore where, each season, you'll lead your crew of critters to build you a prosperous city whilst exploring the sea that is calling to you. You'll want to plan your actions so that you balance the crafting of your city as well as the need to head out on adventures.

Everdell Farshore Components - Starling Games

Everdell: Farshore - Components // Starling Games

It looks like the core of that Everdell experience is there with the common markets and lots of different townsfolk and buildings to choose from. I am most intrigued by the seafaring adventures that you get to go on. I could see a lot of folks properly getting invested in that! Look at those adorable boats!

I loved the core experience of Everdell and whilst I've not felt the need to get any of the expansions, I am tempted by a standalone experience like this.

Could you be tempted?

"Look at those adorable boats!"

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