Ludus Magnus Unveil The Plague Doctor For Nova Aetas

February 1, 2017 by brennon

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A new Epic Class is joining those fighting through Ludus Magnus' Nova Aetas: Dark Renaissance. See what you make of the fascinating and eerie Plague Doctor.

Plague Doctor

I think he's looking great with plenty of detail packed into the render work. Hopefully that all translates over into the actual figure too. I particularly like the scythe, hinting to his allegiance with death and the fumes billowing from that censer.

Plague Doctor (Art)

There's even a nice bit of fluff about him to get stuck into and give you a flavour of his character.

"I left Venice a few days ago. Just like a flock of crows, we are migrating in search of somewhere better to nest. We are following the disease like a dog chasing a carriage, desperately trying to stop it... but our efforts to date have all been in vain.

For some days now I have been wandering through the streets of Florence, among plague spreaders and gravediggers, and although people see me as one of them, I am in fact a man of science... unlike them. For the right price, I shall offer you my services. Do you consider them too expensive? You must value your life very poorly then....and you're the only one to blame.”

As part of the Pledge Manager for their game, which you can find out more about HERE, you can get your hands on this character and the rest of the game.

What do you think of the Plague Doctor?

"I particularly like the scythe, hinting to his allegiance with death and the fumes billowing from that censer..."

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