PHALANX Revamping Classic Unhappy King Charles Board Game

June 13, 2023 by brennon

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PHALANX Games are revamping another awesome board game with new art and more. Unhappy King Charles, a brilliant board game set during the period of the English Civil War, is available for you to pre-order right now.

Unhappy King Charles - PHALANX

Unhappy King Charles // PHALANX

Unhappy King Charles is a two-player and card-driven affair where you choose either the Royalists or the Parliamentarians and fight for control of England. You'll be warring over cities as well as economic centres ripes with resources to fuel your war effort. From there you'll delve into historical events that are brought to life via the cards, recruiting (and keeping!) troops, influencing your allies and enemies with politics, getting stuck into raids and fighting out big battles across the map.

Unhappy King Charles Components - PHALANX

Unhappy King Charles Components // PHALANX

Unhappy King Charles is a well-loved game that initially came out in 2008 and so it's nice to see an updated version already on the cards from PHALANX. When it comes to what has been updated, the first thing is the artwork. The game now features gorgeous new artwork for both factions.

PHALANX: Unhappy King Charles & Coalitions

You'll also get Standees for a number of different characters making it easier to read the board and a new approach to presenting how you control areas and fortresses. Again, this has been done to make the game easier to dive into. You'll also find new faction and general cards that allow you to easily reference what's happening in the middle of a game and more tracks that monitor the ongoing situation across England. Lots of good quality-of-life additions essentially!

As PHALANX have said...

"Unhappy King Charles is highly acclaimed for the way in which it captures the unique aspects of the English Civil War: the high rate of desertion, the difficulties of controlling regional troops, and the growing strength of the Parliament forces over the course of the conflict."

I think this could be a lot of fun, especially if you want to get that English Civil War experience without having to buy a whole bunch of miniatures. Instead, you and a friend can focus on a strategic board game experience over the course of a long afternoon. Get the drinks ready and settle in for an evening of Civil War action.

Could you be tempted to snap up this reprinted board game?

" choose either the Royalists or the Parliamentarians and fight for control of England"

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