Check Out NOVA’s Shadespire Ultimate Collection Raffle!

January 10, 2018 by brennon

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If you're interested in getting your hands on an awesomely painted Shadespire Ultimate Collection AND you want to help out a charity at the same time then check out what NOVA Open is running right now!

NOVA Open Shadespire Banner

You can get your hands on a raffle ticket HERE with the chance to get involved running up until January 28th at 12pm EST. There are 1000 tickets available at the price of $5 each and you could get your hands on all of this stuff...

Shadespire Collection

The proceeds from the raffle will go towards Doctors Without Borders and the winner of the raffle will be announced at the Las Vegas Open on January 28th followed by more on social media shortly after.

Painted Warbands

But, that's not all you get with this prize. You will also win painted warbands, completely ready to go on the tabletop thanks to the work of One Inch Heroes and Dave Taylor Miniatures.

Stormcast - Shadespire

The Stormcast Eternals under Steelheart and Garrek's Reavers have been painted by Drew Carrington of One Inch Heroes...

Garrek - Shadespire

...whilst Ironskull's Boyz and the Sepulchral Guard were painted by Dave Taylor Miniatures.

Ironskullz - Shadespire

Your collection will also come loaded into a customisable carry case thanks to KR Multicase which is a nice bit of icing on the cake!

Sepulchral - Shadespire

So, if this takes your fancy make sure to get involved and buy yourself a raffle ticket.

Will you be entering and if so which warband would you play as?

"The proceeds from the raffle will go towards Doctors Without Borders..."

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