Some Cute Little Puppet Attack Dogs Join Relic’s Britanans

December 5, 2013 by dracs

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A couple of new releases will soon be joining the world of Relics, including some new pets for the puppets of the Britanans.

Britanan Attack Dogs

As with all the puppet creatures of Relics these dogs are both disturbing and weirdly comedic. I would be tempted to pick these up even though I don't play Relics, maybe as a characterful pet for a role playing character.

Of course, Tor Gaming have some new minis that are rather more disturbing than these dear little doggies.

Nuem Leader

Vaettir Hunta

The Britanans are by far my favorites in Relics, but the Nuem come a close second. The new Leader model (top image) is a very cool and disturbing amalgamation of flesh and metal. The Vaettir Hunta looks equally menacing, like a swift moving preying mantis.

Do any of you play Relics? Will you be picking up any of these new additions?

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