The Men Of Dale Prepare Their Mighty Wildlance For Long-Distance Takedowns!

May 5, 2022 by fcostin

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The men of the lake-shrouded town, Dale, maybe in good standing having protection next to The Lonely Mountain. With Dwarves not far from reach. The men and dwarves may have teamed up in the past, fighting side-by-side during the Battle of Dale during the third age, and are more well known for their input into The Battle of the Five armies. These finessed archers from Dale have a new weapon in tow, ready to take to the skies with Windlances.


Wildlance Preview // Warhammer Community

You may recognise these mighty brutal ballistae. Strong and fierce enough to pierce through hides of all strengths, with the help of their bespoke Black Arrows - even Smaug has become familiar with the potential dangers that come with a Black Arrow incoming.

Similar to Bard's filthy weapon, the Warriors of Dale will have a new weapon in their reserves to conquer and take down some massive enemies, if they are brave enough to approach the 10-shot-deep deadly arrow en route.

The archers of Dale could give Legolas a run for his money, they even run out of arrows too! Switching between the filthy output of Wildlances and Esgaroth bows within your Dale army would be deadly. Any enemy approaching would be silly to not consider the range of opportunities that the men of Dale have in their quiver, willing to poke holes in any incoming target with strategy and finesse.


Wildlance - Accurate // Warhammer Community

Plus, not to mention the stunning craftsmanship has come from the hands of the mighty dwarves, providing more durability and strength when out on the table.

Really nice to see the Men of Dale step up to their true potential, showcasing their raw talent for archery past Bard the Bowman and Girion of Dale. As the Warhammer Community have confirmed that we can be expecting these units soon, alongside the new Dale Commanders, but with more information regarding their strategy available in the upcoming Defence of the North supplement.

Will you be taking a second look at the Men of Dale in the upcoming supplement?

"Not to mention the stunning craftsmanship has come from the hands of the mighty dwarves."

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