Community Spotlight: A Samurai Army, Funko Marine & Hairy Highwaymen!

July 3, 2019 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Uesugi Army by alfonsothetraitor

We start off this week with the final shots from a large army that alfonsothetraitor has been working on for a while. His work building Samurai armies has been pretty special to watch and the projects have been a wonderful place for his collected efforts to be shared. The latest completed project is the Uesugi Army.

Uesugi Army #1 by alfonsothetraitor

All of the models have been painted to a high standard and a lot of care and attention has gone into making them prop on the tabletop. As you'll see the precise and neat nature of these armies has carried over from the ranked models into the paint scheme, giving you a seriously cool look at what an army of the period might have looked like.

Uesugi Army #2 by alfonsothetraitor

As well as the attention to detail on the army itself, alfonsothetraitor also does some wonderful work with his photography. The entire force has been laid out here with matching terrain meaning they slip seamlessly into the background. He also works with a neat technique where all of the base is covered in basing material leaving no border between the miniature and the tabletop.

Uesugi Army #3 by alfonsothetraitor

alfonsothetraitor has one of the most in-depth and interesting projects on the site, packed full of interesting Samurai miniatures. As well as the rank and file, he has worked on characters and terrain too, building up a vast collection which I'm sure Lloyd is very envious of!

Funko Pop Space Marine by dogma2097

Next up we're looking towards something a little different. Check out this Funko Pop Space Marine by dogma2097.

Funko Pop Marine by dogma2097

This was originally a Blood Angel Space Marine by dogma2097 has painted this fellow up in an entirely different scheme. I love that there's lots of attention to detail going into the helmet to give it a battle-worn look plus some solid highlighting which makes the dark blue stand out.

Added to that the sheen in the helmet's eye sockets and the details around the kneepad and leg push things up to the next level. It's neat that there has even been work going into weathering and dirtying up the boots too. This is a nice added step towards making this a very unique looking mantlepiece model.

Highwaymen Of Dartmoor Heath by darkvernon

Last but not least, and because I'm going off to a Burrows & Badgers tournament soon, I had to share some work by darkvernon on the Highwaymen Of Dartmoor Heath.

Highwaymen Of Datmoor Heath by darkvernon

This band of miscreants have been painted up exceptionally well, really bringing to life the various characters in different ways. The Fox and Cat look like perfect dandy highway(wo)men and the cat at the back with his lopsided hat and axe seems like the bruiser who would step in to sort out any disagreements.

The darker greens used for the weasel in the middle make him out as the loser of the group plus the shimmering purple robes of the fox mage give her an exotic feel. I'd be very happy to use these as my warband in a game of Burrows & Badgers!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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