Halo: Flashpoint Pre-Orders Live, Elites & Gameplay Mechanics Teased!

March 22, 2024 by brennon

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Mantic Games has revealed more details for their upcoming Halo Sci-Fi miniatures game, Halo: Flashpoint! Setting two elite Fireteams against each other, Halo: Flashpoint will get two (yes, two!) sets for you to choose from when it comes to diving into the game.


Check Out More From Halo: Flashpoint

For those new to miniature tabletop games, Mantic will be offering up the Recon Edition of Halo: Flashpoint. This edition of the game comes with eight pre-assembled and pre-coloured Spartan miniatures (allowing you to make two Fireteams) in red and blue.

Recon Edition - Halo Flashpoint

Recon Edition // Halo: Flashpoint

As well as the pre-assembled miniatures, you'll also get a set of easy-to-assemble terrain allowing you to get started quickly when you dive into the game. You also get a rulebook, playmat, tokens, weapon cards, player/model cards, reference cards, d8 dice and command dice.

Spartans Painted - Halo Flashpoint

Spartans (Painted) // Halo: Flashpoint

If you're someone who is already into tabletop games and wants to embrace the full Halo: Flashpoint experience there is also the Spartan Edition of the game. This comes with all of the contents of the Recon Edition plus extra miniatures, more terrain and special, deluxe components.

Spartan Edition - Halo Flashpoint

Spartan Edition // Halo: Flashpoint

This set comes with sixteen Spartans using a wider range of weapons and wearing different armour types. This allows you to make more varied Fireteams when you dive in and play. You'll also notice that the Spartan Edition also comes with the miniatures for you to deploy the Banished (the Elites!) on the tabletop for the first time.

Elites Painted - Halo Flashpoint

Elites (Painted) // Halo: Flashpoint

More on them will be popping up in the future but this will be your first chance to get your hands on them.

Spartan Edition - Reverse Contents - Halo Flashpoint

Spartan Edition - Reversed Contents // Halo: Flashpoint

The set contains sixteen Spartan miniatures, four Banished Elite miniatures, a rulebook, a play mat, pre-coloured card terrain and tokens, a deluxe two-sided board alongside all of the weapon cards, player/model cards and more that you'll need for diving in and playing the game.

Both of these sets will be supported by a set of additional modular 3D terrain that you can pick up and a dice booster pack for when you don't want to share with your opponent. Don't want their dirty fingers all over your luck rocks!

Get Master Chief & A Paint Set!

As a bonus, Mantic Games has also teamed up with The Army Painter to produce a Paint Set that will feature a selection of paints for you to use when painting your Spartans (and Elites). You also get a miniature based on Master Chief rocking an Energy Sword!

Halo Flashpoint Paint Set - Mantic Games

Halo: Flashpoint Paint Set // Mantic Games & The Army Painter

All of this is shaping up to be a rather enticing product that should make Halo fans and tabletop game fans quite excited. As someone who has played Halo since it first came out, I could see myself diving into this and enjoying some Spartan Vs Spartan action. That paint set also might be quite popular since you get Master Chief in it!

Halo: Flashpoint Gameplay Teaser!

As well as showing off the new sets that you'll be able to pick up from Mantic Games, they also talked a bit more about the gameplay mechanics of Flashpoint.

Halo Spartans #1 - Halo Flashpoint

Spartan Fireteam // Halo: Flashpoint

Flashpoint will play out on a 24" by 24" map which is divided into a grid, similar to what you might have seen in some of their other games like Deadzone. The game also makes use of cubes to help with movement and shooting meaning that there will be no disagreements when it comes to working out ranges and commanding your Fireteam to engage.

When you take an action in Flashpoint, you will always roll three dice against the relevant statistics on the miniatures card. If you have put yourself in an advantageous position (say, on top of a tower), then you simply add extra dice when you shoot rather than modifying the result. This means that the dice pool is easy to get your head around, whatever action you're taking.

Halo Spartans #2 - Halo Flashpoint

Spartan Fireteam // Halo: Flashpoint

The fun additional rule is that advantage can stack so if you can really think tactically, you'll be able to get the drop on your enemies. For some more fun, when you roll an eight on your d8 you get to enjoy the awesome "exploding dice" mechanic where you get to roll an extra dice into the pool. Keep rolling eights and you keep adding dice! This is known as the Headshot mechanic in Halo: Flashpoint and means you can properly show off if you're lucky enough.

Fans of Deadzone will notice lots of similarities with Mantic's Sci-Fi skirmish game and it's nice to see those mechanics evolving to slip into the Halo universe.

Halo Elites - Halo Flashpoint

Banished - Elites // Halo: Flashpoint

When it comes to game modes, lots of Halo favourites are in the mix. You'll be able to play the classic Slayer, Oddball, Capture The Flag and more. All of this features familiar multiplayer awesomeness like managing your energy shields, watching over respawn points and more. It promises to be a pretty engaging Sci-Fi skirmish on the tabletop.

Find out more from Andy and Mantic Games as part of this neat teaser...

What Is Halo: Flashpoint?

Make sure to head over to the Halo: Flashpoint landing page from Mantic Games and let us know which of the sets you're going to be pre-ordering. Do you like the sound of what Mantic are doing with Flashpoint?

Master Chief With Energy Sword - Halo Flashpoint

Master Chief With Energy Sword // Halo: Flashpoint

From the sounds Mantic are making, the support for Halo: Flashpoint will be be coming for a long time. Considering the depth of the Halo universe and the variety of enemies available for your Spartans to clash with, they aren't short of inspiration! Bring on the Brutes I say and exploding Grunts covered in confetti!

Could you be tempted to dive into Halo: Flashpoint?

"Halo: Flashpoint will get two (yes, two!) sets for you to choose from when it comes to diving into the game..."

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