Mantic Bringing Back The Walking Dead: All Out War!

December 1, 2023 by brennon

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Mantic Games has announced that they're bringing back The Walking Dead: All Out War in 2024! A new partnership has been agreed with Skybound to bring new expansions and game content to the tabletop for this awesome walker-filled miniatures game.

The Walking Dead All Out War #3 - Mantic Games

The Walking Dead: All Out War // Mantic Games

As Mantic mentioned in their press release, 2024 will see new expansions and game content coming out for the game. This continues the stories told over five years as part of numerous expansions and should give folks an interesting way to keep diving deeper into Robert Kirkman's stories.

The Walking Dead All Out War #1 - Mantic Games

The Walking Dead: All Out War // Mantic Games

With a strong focus on narrative-based gameplay and clashes between groups of survivors, The Walking Dead is one of those games that properly captured our imagination when it was announced. Even the base set gave you loads of options when it came to telling your stories and it only got better from there. It helped that mechanically, the game was also a lot of fun and really helped tell an interesting tale on the tabletop.

The Walking Dead All Out War #2 - Mantic Games

The Walking Dead: All Out War // Mantic Games

The miniatures for the game were also some of the best that Mantic has ever put out and it will be great to see what Mantic bring back when the new year rolls around. As someone who missed out on The Walking Dead: All Out War and owning a set for myself, it would be great to snap up a core set and have some fun.

Are you excited for the return of The Walking Dead: All Out War next year?

"The miniatures for the game were also some of the best that Mantic has ever put out..."

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