Mantic Reveal First Miniatures For Halo: Flashpoint Game

March 4, 2024 by brennon

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Mantic Games has revealed the first 32mm scale miniatures for their upcoming Halo skirmish game in partnership with 343 Industries! Are you starting to get slightly excited about the idea of Spartan Vs Spartan Sci-Fi deathmatches on the tabletop?

First Miniature Reveal - Halo Flashpoint

First Miniature Reveal // Halo: Flashpoint

When you dive into Halo: Flashpoint, you'll be taking on the role of Spartan fireteams clashing with each other in classic multiplayer style. All of the fun iconic weapons and equipment from the Halo universe seem to be there alongside some awesome armour designs based on the different cosmetic options in the video game.

First Miniature Reveal Alt - Halo Flashpoint

First Miniature Reveal // Halo: Flashpoint

Mantic Games also revealed that Halo: Flashpoint will feature pre-assembled plastic miniatures and pre-coloured easy-to-assemble terrain to get you going. This all makes a lot of sense to help video game fans cross over into the tabletop game without any hassle.

Spartan Teaser // Halo: Flashpoint

It will be fun to see how Halo: Flashpoint plays and Mantic has announced that we'll see more details on the game at the end of March. You won't have long to wait for Halo: Flashpoint, as it will be coming straight to retail in Autumn 2024.

Whilst the Spartan Vs Spartan nature of the game might put some folks off, this could just be the start. It makes sense to mirror the multiplayer portion of Halo first since it keeps the game compact and allows you to play out what I could see being fun, engaging skirmishes.

What intrigued me however was a little note Mantic left in the press release...

Once players have mastered their battle strategies, they’ll be prepared for the dangerous foes and fresh conflicts waiting just over the horizon…

It might be nothing but I am very intrigued to see where Mantic take this project. As we mentioned during our Weekender chat, it would be a great idea to start folding in the Covenant later on down the line and perhaps throw in The Flood as an AI-controlled enemy for you to face with your fireteams.

What do you make of the first preview?

"You won't have long to wait for Halo: Flashpoint, as it will be coming straight to retail in Autumn 2024..."

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