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[unofficial weekender] Almost there….

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This topic contains 57 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 6 months ago.

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    Got the rest of the colours blocked in and now they await the first shade!


    @horati0nosebl0wer I have actually done some research, or worked with research, into light capture an analysis using multiple bands in school. I find it fascinating and it really is amazing what looking at different bands in images can tell us about our planet and others! We can use remote sensing to tell us the mineral composition of the Martian surface (a lot more simplistic that dear old Mother Earth; take that, Mars!) just from known electromagnetic absorbances of elements and such like. I’m planning to do an undergrad thesis on using Thermal band radiation in glacier tracking, if I ever get around to it. Might even try and throw in some 3D printing and computer modelling for it!


    Cult of Games Member

    So yesterday I changed the FEP on my printer. I’ve been putting it off for ages, because it’s been a brilliant little workhorse and hasn’t given me any problems to date. I’ve read soooo many reports of people having nothing but trouble with their printer after changing the FEP that I was actually quite nervous about making any change to it!

    I understand how the printer works, it’s relatively simple (just a screen and a single stepper motor) and I’ve designed and built far more complex CNC machines, 3d printers and laser-cutters myself in the past – I just didn’t want my machine to go from working to not-working.

    As it turns out, there was nothing to worry about!

    Up and running again. And churning out really nice quality minis. The Anycubic Photon is a brilliant little machine!


    Cult of Games Member

    As it turns out, there was nothing to worry about!

    And here I was, hoping for a glorious story of AAARGH but no…. XD


    Cult of Games Member

    FLGS is closing down on 12th of September. He has 25% off since Monday…

    I was there today

    I escalated a bit.



    Cult of Games Member

    Only ‘a bit’ ?

    I guess that’s because you only got one box for Legion and had to compensate with more pirate ships ? 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer – I was expecting the same, myself. Thrilled that it ended well. Now I’ve got a massive pile of fresh cyberpunk minis that need painting up! They’ll have to wait til the evenings – I’m still coding throughout the day (nearly there…. but the new minis from Papsikels and Unit9 convinced me to add an RPG element to the game, so it’s taking a bit longer than I expected).


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger yes “a bit” because it’s only 50€ you’re looking at. The pirate ships where all from the “collect store points pile” and didn’t cost any money today 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Have some music.

    I know. I can’t believe I had the nerve to post this one either. Go on, pretend you didn’t like it.



    So I added some Agrax Earthshade to my Umbers…and something odd happened. They went shiny. Like REALLY shiny. Almost like I put a coat of gloss varnish on them…


    It’s a new pot of Agrax, so I don’t know if anyone else had had this problem before. I can fix it with a coat of Lahmian Medium (and I’ll add a post about it to my project log) but my amount of Medium is limited at the moment so I’m not that happy about it. My worry is that it’s actually Agrax Earthshade Gloss that got mislabeled…but we’ll have to see if it was just a case of not shaken enough. Such is life…

    Have some silly Alestorm music.


    Cult of Games Member

    @crazyredcoat did you buy the gloss Agra’s earth shade by mistake? They have two types.



    @danlee The bottle says regular Agrax Earthshade, and that’s what I ordered, but I was wondering if there was maybe a labeling error somewhere. These things do happen, after all. I might try some experiments with it just to test if I did do something wrong with the paint, but if not I’ll have to find a new pot somewhere. 😛



    So due to limited medium to fix the shininess I’m going to focus on the Champion and Standard Bearer and sort of the rest of the Umbers when more paint can be acquired. I have also determined it to be a user error with the paint. It must have been sitting in storage for a while and REALLY needed a good shaking. It happens. Remember, kids; shake your paints! 😛


    Cult of Games Member
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