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[unofficial weekender] Almost there….

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This topic contains 57 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years ago.

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    @sundancer if you die, can I have your Star Wars minis?   I’ll pay the postage.

    Rosanna Rat



    Cult of Games Member

    @robert I’m married and have no “Last Will and Testament” set up currently so you’ll have to make a deal with my then-widow 😉  But your concern and priorities warm my crumpled heart.


    Cult of Games Member

    @crazyredcoat – thanks for the recommendations. I pulled the trigger. Now just waiting for the postie to arrive!

    @horati0nosebl0wer – I don’t really mind GW markup when I’m buying from the likes of OTT – I just don’t particularly like the cracked earth effect!


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert – I don’t know how you have the patience for all these amazing patterned paintjobs. Mind blown.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer no booze was involved … I only have me to blame.
    Besides … blaming my own mistakes on something else is what lazy people do.
    I’m slow … but I’m not lazy 😉

    This thread needs more music




    @sundancer Didn’t you know we live in a post-experts world? 😛 Hopefully you can get it fixed soon enough, though, toothaches hurt like a female dog!

    @robert Fantastic as always, mate! Though I’m surprised those dots weren’t connected into fine lines and squares…are you ok? 😛

    @blinky465 Anytime, mate! Normally I’m annoyed by the cost of GW paints, but it is the range I know so I’ve stuck with it all these years and, in my opinion, they are pretty good paints. There are a few places around here that do discounts if you buy a certain number of them, and that works pretty well for me on costs…if it’s not just the one single paint I need… 😛 I also suspect that @robert sees in patterns; it’s the only logical scientific explanation!

    On another note, I realised last night that only one of my Umbers has a serious texture issue from my priming problems, which seeing as any attachment removes another mini actually makes me happy, because I’ll just always take him out. I will call him Crusty Pete!



    Twitch, youtube, podcast or some heavy metal usually helps with the patience aspect, and I have plenty more minis to do more tartan… nice to try something different.

    Anyway, painted this good boy while playing D&D – well it was more me not listening and rolling dice when I was told…

    Good boy

    the light wasn’t great so I am sure I will have plenty of little mistakes to fix tomorrow.


    Cult of Games Member

    So my distraction with Papsikel’s Judges is over – I reckon a total of 14 hours to print, prime and paint the things, which is substantially quicker than I usually paint. Looking at them, I can see loads of mistakes and bits that need touching up; it bugs me that the guns are just drybrushed silver over black, but the idea with these was to see how quickly I batch paint some minis.


    These are the last minis I put on boring black disks. From now on, I’m putting base toppers on all my minis (except, of course, the ones I’ve already started and are queued up on my painting bench!). So maybe in a few weeks, those will start to come through as the ones I’ve currently got underway make their way from the “to do” to the “done” pile.


    This takes me straight back to hot, sweaty, nightclubs in the early 90s. Turn it up loud. If you haven’t got a strobe light, blink your eyes really quickly during the chorus for the full effect 😉

    Shit. Just realised it’s hobby hangout tomorrow. I’d better get my DOTT diorama finished tomorrow…..




    Don’t worry @blinky465, besides Cersei I haven’t gotten anything done for tomorrow Hangout either… I was hoping the Umbers would be done, or at least done enough to warrant a post, but not yet.


    Cult of Games Member

    As of today, I now base my minis *before* painting them (sure, I might prime and zenith the minis separately, but they don’t get any colour on them until they’re on a prepped base). I did try painting the bases, then gluing the minis on top but I found that a) the superglue created white blooms on the paint and b) sometimes it stuck only to the paint, and the mini pulled off too easily.

    Supergluing them onto a primed base works surprisingly well, but still allows me to paint over any globs of glue or discolouration, to help hid it.


    I love these sci-fi bases (I think I just found them on Thingiverse, sliced them down and glued the “toppers” onto penny lead weights). A drybrush with uniform grey, then ash grey, and they’re done! If I’m feeling fancy I might paint in the odd hazard stripe or so.

    This approach also means there’s no way I can get to the end of a paintjob and think “ah, stuff it, I’ll just whack it onto a plain base and worry about the rest later). As @lloyd would say “bases and faces, people. Bases and faces.”


    Cult of Games Member

    You lot are way to productive! XD



    Very quick paint job this evening

    image1 (1)image0 (7)

    Good chance it is going in the dettol tomorrow though.



    I managed to get another colour blocked in on the Umbers while watching the Hobby Hangout, so progress! I’m almost at a washing stage. I might make a post of it all to that stage on my project, but we’ll have to see. I am so slow at batch painting…


    Cult of Games Member

    @crazyredcoat I find the trick to batch painting is to think in attainable goals. ‘Today I’m going to get the tunics and facing done. Tomorrow will be the straps’ etc. I also set the batch size to be a number where I can complete at least one step in a painting session. That way I always feel like I’m making progress.

    It’s also good to put the time into perspective. Finishing 16 models in 10 days is faster than one a day for 16 days, but the gratification of having completed figures takes longer to see. Playing around with your batch size can balance out the efficiency savings of painting lots at once vs gratification of having finished models.


    @sundancer But I AM a professional (or just rather good); I specialize in the suffering of others. I just have no experience in dentistry *mock face of innocence that can only inspire confidence in others*. Now about this crumpled heart… I might be able to help with that. I too could be more productive.

    @robert I believe that perhaps as the creative mind behind Santa Fett and his tauntauns I might have the legal ability to speak on behalf of those items. It might fall under some sort of obscure ruling with regard to artist ownership as a subset of creative license, vis-a-vis my modeling, that make them not necessarily subject to decisions otherwise made to his estate. Lol… can you tell the kind of writing I’ve been having to do for my boss lately?

    By the by, good going with continued furry endeavors

    @blinky465 Meh. I agree that its not for me either. A gimmick paint that does a thing that no other paints do… oh wait crackle paints do and you can color them whatever you want. As far as your other work I applaud the gears turning out what you’re doing.

    @crazyredcoat Yes, color theory is pretty interesting when you want to go to the frequency levels but the thing is do you want to start analyzing the interaction of frequencies in the same manner as say analog EMF for radio wave propogation? If you’re going down that rabbit hole I think that there was research into what color combinations people just absolutely find revolting. Then again you could consider things like diffusion as almost a form of sidebanding and the harmony, in a way, like frequency hopping or phase shifting (should you think about encryption). That does give a different take on the Harlequins and the poppy multicolor paint jobs found in Battletech.

    @scribbs *scribbles notes nodding about batches* This I will learn for future projects.

    @limburger Yes, more music. Should we go for slower music? How about just back to weird?

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