Deep Cut Studio Release Three Freebooter’s Fate Mats

November 11, 2019 by brennon

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Deep-Cut Studio has been showing off some new mats which have been released in line with the Freebooter's Fate miniatures game. If you like Fantastical pirate adventures you now have some cool options as a backdrop.

Freebooters Fate Mats - Deep Cut Studio

There are three different mats for you to pick up with two of them being designed for the regular game and the third for Iron Ball, their fantasy sports game. Here we have the Jungle...

Jungle Mat - Deep Cut Studio

...and Lake mats which I think match up with their colourful and fascinating world really well. The Jungle mat looks like it would be great for a clash amongst the undergrown and the Lake now just needs some jetties, ramshackle houses and perhaps a few boats to make it pop.

Lake - Deep Cut Studio

I really like that they've added in the detail of this not just being a pure blue lake. It also has little bits of wildlife and vegetation dotted about it making it feel nice and realistic.

Finally, we also have the Iron Ball pitch which is a nice plain surface for some sports using big heavy cannonballs.

Iron Ball Mat - Deep Cut Studio

There is some good stuff out there now for Freebooter's Fate, perhaps a lesser-known game which comes with some amazing support from dedicated creators and skilled sculptors who are making wonderful characters.

What do you make of these new mats?

"There is some good stuff out there now for Freebooter's Fate, perhaps a lesser-known game which comes with some amazing support from dedicated creators and skilled sculptors..."

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