Freebooter’s Fate Is Now FREE Plus New January Releases!

January 18, 2022 by brennon

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Freebooter Miniatures' fantastic Fantasy Pirate wargame, Freebooter's Fate, is now available for FREE with Rules, Scenarios and more now available for you to download from their website!

Free Rules - Freebooters Fate

Free Rules // Freebooter's Fate

The rules are available in English and German. So, if you've ever wanted to try out the game but have not been sure, you can now dive into their rules and find out more about this fascinating game. It's well worth a look, especially if you like the idea of pirate adventures with a twist. The cast of characters and the world they have built is fascinating and has expanded over many expansions and stories.

New Miniature Releases

Some brand new miniatures joined their collection this month too. So, if you were interested in the rules but wanted to learn more about the range of figures they create, let's dive in! We start with the Wailing Woman!

Wailing Woman - Freebooters Fate

Wailing Woman // Freebooter's Fate

The Wailing Woman is a leader option for the Shadows and, as you might have guessed, is able to bring her banshee and wraith powers to the tabletop. She is able to strike from range and scare her foes into submission. It also helps that Justyna Bien has sculpted an exceptionally awesome miniature. I love the twisting hair around her faded gown.

The next of the characters for this month is Sophia...

Sophia - Freebooters Fate

Sophia // Freebooter's Fate

Sophia was sculpted by Israel Delgado Laborda and offers up a new character to lead the Cult in their adventures. She is the new queen of Longfall and is able to inspire her followers on to greater feats on the tabletop.

She also finds herself collaborating with another of the new releases for this week, Héler le Lutte.

Heler le Lutte - Freebooters Fate

Héler le Lutte // Freebooter's Fate

Héler was also sculpted by Israel Delgado Laborda and offers up a good combat mystic for your crew of cultists. His main focus is to just leap into the midst of combat and start laying about him with that cruel-looking dagger. I love the detail worked into his sculpt, especially with all of the trinkets and his accessories about his neck.

The last of the new miniatures this week come as a pair. Here we have Maudit & Asquerosos Fugoso.

Maudit & Asquerosos Fugoso - Freebooters Fate

Maudit & Asquerosos Fugoso // Freebooter's Fate

These miniatures were sculpted by Bobby Jackson and Israel Delgado Laborda and serve as deckhands for the aforementioned Cult. They are good options as supports alongside your weaker mystics and offer up hot-blooded options for the Cult. You wouldn't want to get hit by one of those flying throwing axes!

Are you going to be snapping up these miniatures and giving the game of Freebooter's Fate a go?

"Are you going to be snapping up these miniatures and giving the game of Freebooter's Fate a go?"

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