Shadowy Spirits & Flashy Freebooters Arrive For February

February 13, 2020 by brennon

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Freebooter Miniatures has been showing off a selection of new releases for the month of February as Freebooter's Fate continues to rock the high seas. We start with Cazador Comadreja who is a fanatical leader of men.

Cazador Comadreja - Freebooter Miniatures

Introduced as another leader of the Imperial Armada he is an old school salty sea dog. He sometimes overshoots the mark but he is still a man who can inspire fire and fury within those who follow him. He is also a pretty snappy dresser!

As well as Cazador we also have another miniature sculpted by the team at the Krysa Project. Here we have a good right-hand man, La Gauche.

La Gauche - Freebooter Miniatures

The left hand of the Asquerso, he shadows his commanding officers in the background and just gets on with the job when the time comes. Armed with his cursed musket, he doesn't particularly want to get involved unless he has to, but it does a serious amount of damage when it strikes.

Shadowy Spectres

As well as these mortal men, we also have a peek ahead at the Shadows who will be revealed in more detail at Tactica in Hamburg.

The Shadows - Freebooter Miniatures

This shows off some very creepy individuals who have been sculpted to look like terrifying pirates and seafaring individuals who have fallen into the briny deep and are now out for revenge. I love that we're seeing some ghostly figures here and some who have clearly been twisted by the dark spirits that dwell in the deep.

More details on these miniatures will be revealed soon with cards in beta format right now. A full release will be coming out later this year.

Are you going to be snapping up these miniatures?

"...been sculpted to look like terrifying pirates and seafaring individuals who have fallen into the briny deep and are now out for revenge"

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