Tepoloa Makes Her Entrance For Freebooter’s Ironball

August 22, 2018 by brennon

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Freebooter Miniatures has a Fantasy Football game as part of its collection called Ironball and Tepoloa of the Amazons is one of the newest players to hit the pitch.

Tepoloa #1- Freebooter Miniatures

Tepoloa is usable in Ironball, as you might have guessed by the cannonball she's carrying, but also in your regular games as well if you so desired. I think in her current guise though she's more player than pirate.

Tepoloa #2 - Freebooter Miniatures

In game, she is a dab hand at the old running game but she also has the ability to scream and wail at her opponents, distracting and disorientating them as she makes her plays.

It's neat to see an underground hit like Freebooter's Fate still doing well and producing characterful miniatures like her to further their peripheral games as well.

Do you play Freebooter's Fate or Ironball?

"...she also has the ability to scream and wail at her opponents, distracting and disorientating them as she makes her plays"

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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