Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age
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Avatars Of War are on Kickstarter right now with a project which is looking to get a set of physical Minotaur miniatures crafted for use in your 28mm Fantasy wargames. There are three regiments which are in the works which should allow you to build a mighty army of monstrous warriors for Warhammer, the 9th Age and beyond.
Avatars Of War has put together a new set of releases for you to 3D Print over on Patreon this month. You are going to be able to download some legendary Dwarf Heroes for you to use in 9th Age armies or perhaps in the likes of Age Of Fantasy.
Avatars Of War have been showing off some impressive new Goblin miniatures over on Patreon this month. The focus moves to some 3D Printable components for making multi-part Goblin Warriors for use on the tabletop.
Avatars Of War have summoned forth a new set of Demons for you to use in your 28mm Fantasy wargames. Maybe these would be good options for your 9th Age armies or perhaps you have another game in mind?
Avatars Of War re-released some of their classic Dwarven plastic miniatures not long ago but they sold out quick! So, you will want to take a look at the two options they have offered up this week for both their Dwarf Seekers and Dwarf Clan Warriors before they vanish into the mines!
Ragnarök Destroying Kickstarter; New Mythic Battles A Must-Have? + WIN Star Wars Set #OTTWeekender
4 years ago 85It's OTTWeekender Time! Mythic Battles: Ragnarok is destroying Kickstarter! Is it a must-have game? PLUS, you could win a Star Wars: Legion Core Set.
Avatars Of War are getting necromantic this week with the addition of new Undead miniatures to their Fantasy collection. Wights, Wraiths and rattling Skeletons have been summoned from their graves to threaten the mortal world.
Avatars Of War added a new Dwarven miniature into their collection this week. The Dwarf Battle Standard Bearer is now available for you to snap up from their webstore for your 28mm Fantasy armies.
Avatars Of War introduced a rather strange and chaotic new miniature into the mix for armies of evil.
We're looking at a mighty German army for World War II, Dwarven Terrain and a range of personalities from the Dunkeldorf collection today.
Welcome back OTTers for another Sunday show relaxing hobby chat around peoples projects and a look at the side of historical gaming we don't often cover.
We're checking out Mythic Games' upcoming Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game Kickstarter AND you can win one of Kromlech's Orc Stomper kits to celebrate Orktober!
Last Sword Miniatures are a company from Spain who have done some spectacular resin models for fantasy gaming. Standing out among past offerings are their Undead range that have a french feudal knight theme and the Lizardmen army that was […]
Avatars Of War are kicking things off today with a new addition to their collection, the Ogre Berserker.
Avatars Of War added two new miniatures into the mix for those delving into The 9th Age and the like. You'll notice that they've actually come from the folks at Lost Kingdom Miniatures in order to flesh out the line.
Avatars Of War have another new miniature for those playing games like The 9th Age. This time it's a magic-user for the Imperials and a Hydromancer at that.
We start off today with a new release from the team at Avatars Of War. Here we have their newest addition to the forces of chaos and disorder, the Barbarian Marauder Warlord.
Avatars Of War has been showing off a new addition to the Arena Deathmatch sands and The 9th Age range. Here we have a bellowing Hobgoblin Berserker who doesn't care who stands in his way!
Avatars Of War has released two new miniatures into the mix for their 9th Age and Arena Deathmatch range.
Avatars Of War has added another new 3D printing project into their library for you to check out. This time around they are honouring their ancestors with this massive Dwarf King Statue.
Avatars Of War have unleashed another terrifying creature for your heroes to do battle with. Check out this fearsome Spearback Lizard.
Chaos Space Marines, Kitbashing challenges, Warren heads to Frostgrave and WIN Shadowspear!
If you're looking for new leaders for both your Orc and Human forces in The 9th Age and such then maybe check out the Iron Black Orc Warlord and Empire Artificer Engineer.
Weekender: Ranking Up For Battle In The 9th Age!
6 years ago 133You could win some awesome prizes and learn all about The 9th Age in this episode PLUS 4Ground Cad joins us for a chat!
Gather round fans of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Artur from The 9th Age shows Justin how to play their quick starter edition of Fantasy Battles.