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Relic Knights



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[unofficial Hobby Hangout] #154 sweet bunnies and chocolate eggs


Hobby Hangout Livestream [Catch Up Now!]

6 years ago 12

Join Ben and Lance as they trawl through the latest Projects and hobbies that you've submitted over the past week.

Ninja Division Hope Masterclass Range Change Fortunes


Ninja Division this week announced that they would be working on a new range of Masterclass Miniatures.

3 Colours Up: Painting Colour Shift Metals


Asset Drop Nov 2017 Box Quick Look – Part Two


John's back again to try a new guide from Asset Drop's box...

Marie-Claude Collectable Statue Available At Gen Con


In working with Silver Fox Collectibles Ninja Division & Soda Pop have designed a Marie-Claude Collectable Statue for folks to snap up at Gen Con this year.

Relic Knights Unboxing: Harbonath The Void Reaper

8 years ago 4

We have previously seen this fellow's Herald proclaiming his arrival and now he's here on our tabletop. Welcome, Harbonath the Void Reaper (and his Cypher Keruv) for Relic Knights from Ninja Division.

Relic Knights Unboxing: Austrican The Ogre & Isabeau Durand


We unbox a Shattered Sword duo for Relic Knights who can be placed at the extreme ends of the size scale but are both equally important in their own unique way, Austrican the Ogre & Isabeau Durand.

Relic Knights Unboxing: Amelial, Herald of the Void


For this Relic Knights from Ninja Division unboxing we meet Amelial, a Herald from beyond the far reaches of the Last Galaxy who has arrived to proclaim the arrival of the Darkspace Calamity.

Let’s Play: Relic Knights with Rory’s Story Cubes


Relic Knights Yeah!

Weekender: Infinity Secrets To Be Revealed & Massive RuneWars Unboxing


We're cracking open FFG's RuneWars and spilling the beans on Infinity secrets!

Relic Knights: 2nd Edition Kickstarter Campaign Blasts Off!


Get stuck into an awesome Kickstarter campaign for Relic Knights: 2nd Edition and it's Two-Player Starter Set!

Learn More About The Dark Pinions Of Relic Knights


Supporting Tahariel the Purifier as part of the new Starter Box coming out for Relic Knights we have the Dark Pinions and Ninja Division gave us a look of their artwork.

New Questing Knights Guide The Way For Relic Knights


With the game going to Kickstarter for its new edition and new starter set in a few weeks Ninja Division gave us a look at the two characters leading the way for Relic Knights.

Ninja Division Announce Relic Knights 2nd Edition


Ninja Division and Soda Pop Miniatures announced their plans for Relic Knights 2nd Edition this week as we look ahead to some awesome changes on the horizon.

Relic Knights Week: Getting Into Organised Play & Tournaments

8 years ago 95

Relic Knights Week: Demo Game – Shattered Sword VS Noh Empire

8 years ago 198

Relic Knights Week: The 1.5 Update Rules Changes

8 years ago 99

In this video as part of Relic Knights Week Justin sits down with John Cadice from Ninja Division to find out what has changed for version 1.5 of the game's rules.

Relic Knights Week: Prismatics – The Mercs Of Relic Knights

8 years ago 119

Relic Knights Week: Meet The Factions – Star Nebula Corsairs

8 years ago 129

Its time to set sail beyond the edge of civilised space in Relic Knights as we look to join the ranks of the Star Nebula Corsairs, genuine bona fide space pirates!

3 Colours Up: Painting Calico Kate – Part Three


Today it's all about the finishing touches and finer details.

Relic Knights Week: Meet The Factions – Shattered Sword

8 years ago 140

In this Relic Knights Week video we visit the Paladins who are entrusted to bring peace, harmony and co-operation to the universe, the Order of The Shattered Sword.

Relic Knights Week: The Future Of Relic Knights


We get a chance to find out what's coming next for the Relic Knights universe as we uncover details of new releases as well as factions and characters getting an upgrade.

Relic Knights Week: Meet The Factions – Doctrine

8 years ago 136

It's time to visit the Space Wizards of Relic Knights as we meet the Doctrine. They are a faction of scholars, mystics, and powerful manipulators of Esper.

3 Colours Up: Painting Calico Kate – Part Two


Join us this week as Romain continues showing off how to paint Relic Knights' colourful Calico Kate.

Relic Knights Week: Meet The Factions – Black Diamond

8 years ago 160

For this Relic Knights Week video we take a take a look at a faction that can boast being the largest mercenary force in the Relic Knights universe, Black Diamond.

Relic Knights Week: Meet The Factions – Noh Empire


It's the scourge of the Alliance in the spotlight for our next Relics Knight Week faction chat as we take a look at the soul reaping, enslaving forces of the Noh Empire.

3 Colours Up: Painting Calico Kate – Part One


Today Romain is painting some Relic Knights; the beautiful Calico Kate from the Star Nebula Corsairs range.

Relic Knights Week: Meet The Factions – Cerci Speed Circuit


Relic Knights Week continues with the first of our faction chats starting with Cerci Speed Circuit, a planet turned race track where the populace is devoted to recreation.

Relic Knights Week: Exploring The World Of Relic Knights


Our Relic Knights Week begins with John Cadice from Ninja Division introducing us to the background and mechanics of this skirmish game and its universe!

Weekender: Relic Knights Week Cometh & Win a Battle Foam X Pack!


We're back after a hard earned break to bring you more awesomeness from the world of tabletop gaming.

Relic Knights Week Coming Next Monday!


Coming on Monday 16th January we're going to be delving into the world of Relic Knights with a full week dedicated to the game!

Star Lancer Drifts Into The World Of Relic Knights By Ninja Divison


Released this week we have another addition to the world of Relic Knights. Ninja Division and Soda Pop Miniatures have unleashed the deadly looking Star Lancer on the tabletop.

Relic Knights Unboxing: One Shot & Fritz


One Shot is aptly named. It is said her relic's massive Goliath Cannon can bring down a starship.

Relic Knights Unboxing: Diamond Corps

8 years ago 12

Disciplined, highly trained, and well equipped the Diamond Corps stand among the finest fighting forces in the galaxy. Not to mention; your tabletop.

Relic Knights: Betty & Lug – Unboxing

9 years ago 3

The Cerci Speed Circuit takes the reigns and we're looking at Betty & Lug from Relic Knights.

Soda Pop & Ninja Division Show Off The New Darkspace Sculpts


If you were waiting to see what the new Darkspace sculpts look like for Relic Knights - then wait no more! Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division have released an image of Darkspace Candy and Hasami, and they do NOT disappoint!

Soda Pop Shows Off Two New Relic Knights Minis To Debut At Gen Con


Tow new faces are joining the ranks for Relic Knights at Gen Con. Darkspace Candy and Darkspace Hasami will be debuted at the show from Ninja Division and Soda Pop Miniatures.

Relic Knights: Kasaro To & Azi Unboxing


Ninja Division weren't playing around when this guy was being created. His ferocity is only challenged by his size on the table.

Look Ahead To July’s Offerings Of Medics & Mechs For Relic Knights


Ninja Division & Soda Pop Miniatures have some treats on the way for you when July rolls around. Relic Knights is getting two new miniatures which I'm sure folks will be snapping up quickly when they go on sale.

New Heroes & Critters Arrive For Relic Knights & Ninja All-Stars


Ninja Division & Soda Pop Miniatures have some excellent new additions to the Relic Knights and Ninja All-Stars range popping up on their webstore this month.

Unboxing: Relic Knights – Calico Kate & Skully

9 years ago 5

We're hoping you like some bad ass girls, cos we got a doozy from Relic Knights.

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