Cover Your Flanks With Victrix’s Greek Light Cavalry

April 19, 2018 by brennon

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Screening your flanks and covering your advance, Victrix has put together a set of plastic Greek Light Cavalry which is now available for you to buy from their webstore.

Greek Light Cavalry #1 - Victrix

The set allows you to build twelve different riders to start building up for your force on the tabletop. They come armed with javelins, swords and shields.

Greek Light Cavalry #2 - Victrix

The unit can also be combined with the Macedonian Greek Successor Heavy Cavalry kit if you want to mix and match things and give them a more faction specific look as well.

Once again, it's nice to see what Victrix are doing in plastic as they always weave plenty of motion into their models. All of them look like they are charging forward, ready to push the enemy off key positions.

What do you think of their plastic kits?

"All of them look like they are charging forward, ready to push the enemy off key positions..."

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